All we need is inspiration.

Sunday 7 November 2010

relight my fire?

dont fret meatball, the best is yet to come.
Gots'ta love bonfire night.
Sorry i havent been posting, work has been killing me i've came down ill a couple times too,
i had a nice day in bed today, looked at somethings, did somethings, the usual.
but whenever i spend the day in bed i'm like i need to get out more. so, i'm not staying home tomorrow night. i will find something to do. Boring post i know.
loves yaxx.

Sunday 24 October 2010

So, I got this job at Claires.

Only a christmas temp but its better than nothing, i am quite enjoying actually(: only minimum wage though):
This lady came in on my first day and was like are there any jobs,
 i said proudly 'we've just taken on a christmas temp actually.' and the woman, the cheek of this woman!
'well she might be shit.
um, excuse me love? im actually doing quite well?


Tuesday 19 October 2010

I want this in my room.

Camera things.

I need a fish eye lens.
I love watching the sexist men on Maury change their mind and say sorry, its unbelievable how they think that being like that is the right way to live. I also watched the The I.T Crowd today, iloveitsomuch 


Good afternoon

New blog, new start.
Im a college student trying to find something to keep me from going crazy. so come with me, follow the journey. now to get started a piece of music.

Sufjan Stevens - For the widows in paradise